How to build a commodore 64 WiFi modem and how to connect to BBS (Bulletin Board System)

March 23rd, 2020

Turbo56k BBS

I have discovered this very interesting project by Jorge Castillo that permit to surf HiRes image (Art Studio format), download games, streaming audio at 4 bit and more.
You have to use a ESP8266 or ESP32 WiFi modem with zimodem firmware by Bo Zimmerman
The client run only at 57600 bps so you have configure the proper baud rate in another terminal (I use CCGMSU). The project is a work in progress and in this video you can see a demostration.

Alwyz CCGMSUltimate & WiFi modem with Paul Rickards firmware

I try to show how to buid and configure WiFi modem.

Bellow some pictures that show the final result

I have take some content from an italian website by Manuel Conti.


Hardware is based on the NodeMCU development board module which mounts the integrated ESP8266-12E.
ESP8266 is a chip with integrated low-cost Wi-Fi, with full support for the TCP / IP protocol and microcontroller functionality produced by the Chinese company from Shanghai Espressif Systems.

Features (from wikipedia)

From here you can download th firmware.

The software for flashing ESP8266 runs in a Windows OS.
Once you have unzipped the file you will find the esp8266_flasher.exe program and 2 binary files.
Run the esp8266_flasher.exe program and load the juno12.ino.generic.bin or C64WiFi_w_OLED_BBv7.ino.bin file. Connect the nodeMCU card to a USB port on your computer, if you have installed the drivers correctly, a COM port will be assigned to your card, select the latter in the COMport field and click Flash.
Below are a couple of exemplary screenshots

At this point you just have to make the connections according to the following scheme taken from the Alwyz website which is the author of the CCGMS term software that we will use to connect to a BBS.

ESP8266Mod Pinout

C64 User Port Pinout

  • Esp8266 GND -> C64 User Port Pin N (Gnd)
  • Esp8266 TxD (GPIO1/TXD0) -> C64 User Port B and C (RxD. Yes, Short B and C together)
  • Esp8266 RxD (GPIO3/RXD0) -> C64 User Port M (TxD)
  • Esp8266 GPIO4 -> C64 User Port K (CTS)
  • Esp8266 GPIO5 -> C64 User Port D (RTS)
  • Esp8266 GPIO2 (d4) -> User Port H (DCD)
  • Add a wire from M to 5 on user port plug
  • Add a wire from B,C to 7 on user port plug
  • Add a wire from L to 6 on the user port plug
  • Optional power from C64: Connect C64 pin 2 (+5v) to Esp8266 Vin

Adding OLED

You can buy an ssd1306 OLED from here .
In order to connect the oled display, it is first necessary to switch the position of Vcc and GND by inverting the position of resistors R4 and R3 (see figure). Then you can directly solder the display on the Node MCU board or by a female socket respecting this pinout:

  • D6  –> SDA
  • D5  –> SDL
  • 3v3 –> VCC
  • ND –> GND


Before connecting your card to the user port of the commodore64 I advise you to carefully check all the connections. Then connect the nodeMCU card to the user port of the commodore with the computer off, then switch it on and load the CCGMSUltimate program. For this last step there are many solutions, the simplest is to buy an SD2IEC card or you can build it yourself (on the net there are numerous resources in this regard).
When starting the program for the first time, follow the steps below (from the author’s website )

  • Load CCGMS Ultimate, select User Port, and select 300 baud
  • Go back to terminal mode
  • Power on the device if using external power and hit enter
  • A menu should show up from the modem letting you know it’s alive!
  • Hit F8 to go to Ascii mode (Anscii mode) and enter your ssid and password with the following terminal commands: at$ssid=ssid and at$pass=password
  • F8 to go back to the Graphics terminal and type atc1 to connect. This may take a few attempts to connect.
  • Use the commands at&p0 and at&k1 . Without doing these 9600 baud will lock up your c64
  • Change the baud rate by using the command at$sb=9600
  • Go back to the Terminal F7 Menu and select Up9600 Baud / 9600 Baud
  • Go back to the terminal, and you should be able to see at and ok reponses.
  • Use at&w to write these settings to the esp8266.
  • All done. Now your settings should be set every time you boot CCGMS!

Also from the Alwyz website you can download a quick guide in pdf format and the gerber file for the realization of the PCB. For convenience you can also download them from this link

In the screenshots aside you can see the commands available to the user. After configuring the modem as described above, simply press enter on the initial screen and if everything is successful, the SSID and the IP address will appear with some advise regards the author of the firmware.

At this point you can issue the command atdt followed by the address of the BBS to which you want to connect i.e. atdt
However if we do not want to enter the address of our BBS every time we can create a sort of telephone book with BBS addresses.
Hit F7 and open the Dialer/Parameters menu then press ‘A’ key to accesses the Autodialer/Phone book menu.
Press E (edit) to edit the field selected by arrow .
To save the phonebook go back in Dialer/Parameters menu and hit ‘S’ than ‘Return’ key.
Next time you run the CCGMS program, the address books and configuration parameters are loaded automatically.

Some hints to manage text file in CCGMS terminal

My experience as a BBS commodore user is not very long, however I can suggest some good rules. In the BBS message board the same rules apply as for any forum. The moderator in this case is called SiSop comparable to a system administrator of a modern internet network. In a BBS the following sections can normally be found: mail service, forum, download area, online games, news area, text file archive etc.
If you would like to read these documents offline you can do it!
The simplest thing is to download the entire file but this is not always possible, an alternative method is to activate a storage space in the c64 ram called buffer using the F4 key.
If you have a REU (ram expansion unit) the CCGMS Ultimate recognize it and use the REU as memory buffer.
Once the buffer is activated, anything that is displayed on the screen is stored into the buffer. When we have finished viewing the contents that interest us, press the ‘F4’ to return to the buffer menu and and ‘S’ to save the buffer on disk or on SD by means an SD2IEC or other exotic devices like 1541Ultimate.
You can optionally use the same buffer menu to retrieve previously saved ascii files simply by using the ‘L’ key.
The buffer menu also offers other options including that of being able to clear the data stored in the buffer or if you are lucky enough to have an old dot matrix printer for commodore 64 you can print the entire contents of the buffer on paper.
There is also a way to make a screenshots of the actual screen.
You can store in ram up to 4 screenshot by pressing ‘commodore+ctrl+1-4’ and recall it by pressing ‘shift+ctrl+1-4’.
If the buffer is active, we could save our screens in the buffer area using ‘comodore+F7’ and subsequently store it on disk.

When you are in the Dealer/Parametres menu, press ‘V’ to view other useful commands (see below)

Screenshot gallery of CCGMS terminal modded by Alwyz

This picture show the connection to Retroacademy BBS that offer to watch some online daily news and RAI teletext (an Italian main TV).

About download protocol

The CCGMS ultimate program supports three types of protocols for download: Punter, Xmodem, Xmodem-CRC.
The punter protocol provides the ability to perform multiple downloads or uploads. Until recently it was the recommended one. At the moment it is preferable to use the Xmodem-CRC protocol as it performs a more accurate error check, the only disadvantage is that it does not support multi download or multi upload.
I remember to change the protocol both client side (CCGMS) and server side (BBS).

About compressed files: how to decompress it?

One of the most popular ways to compress C64 files was to have them Zip Coded. This is the format most often used when dealing with disks full of multiple files. The disk is compressed, and split into files which were less than 64k, so they could be used in a C64 for real-time decompression
The split files are headed with a number, showing which section of the disk it has the data of, and then an exclamation point to separate the number from the name of the archive.
Many BBS users will have certainly run into the problem of how to unzip files that come in the form of 1!filename, 2!filename, 3!filename, 4!filename. First of all let’s define what we are talking about, these are a image d64 that are splitted and zipped in 4 files in order to be downloaded more quickly from the BBS servers. To be able to decompress them in the original d64 file, we have various software. If we have an SD2IEC card, I recommend using Unzip2018Beta1 by Alwyz.
Another way is to use a PC: remove the SD card from your SD2IEC and connect it to USB by an adapter then use Dirmaster to unzip and recreate the original d64 image.
Another kind of file is lynx (extension lnx). It was one of the most popular archive formats for the C64, especially for data transfer over a modem. The Lynx format is just a collection of files joined together, with a small C64 basic program as the header, and when run, would produce the message ‘Use Lynx‘ to dissolve this file. The files aren’t compressed, and it’s worthless if there are many files on the disk.
In order to decompress files with lnx extension we can use the Ultimate lynx3 or Lynx17 programs which, however, as far as I know, are not compatible with SD2IEC peripherals. On the CCGMSultimate release disc there are all these programs. Even for lynx files it will be possible to use the PC to decompress them with the usual dirmaster program.

That’s all! If you have comments or find errors in the text, do not hesitate to report them to me.
See you soon!

Commodore 64 and C64DTV2 mod

March 20th, 2020

C64 assy 250425

The following photos are from my commodore 64 breadbox assy 250425 serial number U.K. B163438 made in England. As can be seen, there are numerous modifications.


I bought this adapter because I wanted to write on a common PS/2 keyboard connected to the commodore 64.
Actually I used it a little but I have to say that it works well. It can be purchased in Jim Brain’s Retro Innovations store.
Here is a brief description of the c=key taken from the site
C=Key consists of an Atmel ATMEGA162 microcontroller in DIP format and an optional Mitel/Zarlink MT8812 crosspoint switch.
In “host” mode, the system reads data from the PS/2 keyboard and emulates the Commodore switch matrix with the crosspoint switch.
In “device” mode, the system scans the Commodore keyboard matrix 60 times a second, converting keypresses into PS/2 compliant scan codes.

C64 Bluetooth Joystick

I found this project on the famous German site Forum64. For your convenience, you can download both the wiring diagram and the arduino skech from here . The device works very well, and is quite fast in communication.

C64 Real Time clock and Temperature-Humidity-Pressure Sensor

This is a small project of mine that I recently made (go to this link if you want to know more). This is the well-known RTC DS1307 module, on which I mounted a BME280 temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure sensor. In the file you will find all the instructions to make it. There is also a well-known game that can be loaded into the RTC module eprom, to you the surprise to find out!


From the author’s website:This is a rom adapter board for the C64 which replaces all rom chips with a single 64kb 27C512 Eprom, offering space for four different kernals, four charsets and two basic roms. Any combination of roms can be chosen using control lines provided on the board.
Here you can download both the gerber files for the production of the PCB and the JDEC file to program the GAL16V8

C64 FM Radio

The RDA5807P is a single-chip broadcast FM stereo radio tuner with fully integrated synthesizer. Timo Voutilainen is the author of the software to drive the module via the c64 user port. On his site there are also other interesting projects. If you are an electronic gadget maker, I recommend you take a look.


All fans of the commodore 64 know that one of the most frequent “blank screen” reasons is the burning of the PLA, the replacement with a 512 kb eprom is slightly cheaper but not quite as reliable as the programmable logic CPLD.
PLAnkton is the CPLA substitute for the C64 PLA U17 part no. 906114-01 or 251064-01.
From here you can buy it.

C64 MP3 Player

This is another good Timo project, if you are interested you can visit his website where you will find all the instructions on the subject.
To interface the c64 with the VS1053 module it is necessary to interpose an arduino pro mocro or nano board.
From the datasheet: VS1053b is a single-chip Ogg Vorbis/MP3/AAC/-WMA/MIDI audio decoder and an IMA ADPCMand user-loadable Ogg Vorbis encoder.

C64 reset

Everyone knows that the commodoe 64 is not equipped with a reset button, but everyone does not know that the reset is very important because it prevents us from turning the computer off and on every time we have to load a new program, which prolongs (at least hopefully) the life of the precious c64 chips.
There are various solutions, I refer you to the site of the famous Ray Carlsen where you can find a lot of information on how to modify and repair most of the computers of the commodore family.
From here you can directly download the file reset64.txt

Restore key Fix

In old versions of the c64, “breadbox” for instance, to evoke an NMI interrupt it is necessary to press the RESTORE button with a certain force. This problem is due to an inappropriate C38 capacity value which should be 4.7nF instead of 51 pF.
In this link you will find the original article.

PS/2 to C64 Mouse Adapter

I built the mouse adapter for c64 following the instructions taken from this site. The adapter works well and is especially useful when used in a GEOS environment

C64DTV2 Mod

C64DTV acronym of c64 Direct to TV is a CompetitionPro style joystick, inside which there is a c64 implemented in an ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) chip.
In the ASIC of the DTV there are 6510 CPUs, VIC-IIs, SIDs, PLAs and two CIAs. This ASIC will do everything that the hardware did inside a real C64. The RAM and ROM memory are not inside the ASIC but are separated chips.
The creator of this amazing jewel of electronics is Jeri Ellsworth.
There are various versions of the c64DTV, the one I have is the DTV2 or PAL in which there is a wide range of mods you can make.
On the internet there are many sites for the c64DTV hacking, I refer to that of Richard Lagendijk where you can find a lot of information about the world of the commodore computers.

C64 assy 250466

The following photos are from my commodore 64 assy 250466. As you can see in this model I have installed a DualSID board that mounts 2 SID 6581.
The Dual SID is a product of Tomi Malinen.
Another detail that you notice is the superPLA produced by IndividualComputer which, as the site reports, can be configured in various ways to be used as a substitute for PLA for various models of commodore computers.
Another change is the presence of an eprom multi-kernal adapter with the possibility to choose between 3 different kernal: default, speedDOS, JiffyDOS

My commodore games

March 20th, 2020


As a child I was fascinated by computers and the whole world of information technology. The first computer I had on hand was a VIC20 and then I switched to the Commodore 64 and it was love at first sight!
Initially I saw it only as a computer to play, then I learned BASIC and I wrote some small programs.
Then the turning point came, my brother gave me a clone of the Action Replay III called Niky Crtridge II.
It was first time I saw an assembler listing and a machine code. Obviously all those strange names like LDA, STA, ASL, JMP, BIT, PHA etc, remained a mystery for long time.
The years passed and I dedicated myself to something else. I always cultivated the idea of picking up my old c64 and at age of 35 I searched on the internet how to start assembler programming. I found a lot of resourses.
For those wishing to start programming in assembler from scratch, I recommend the following resources: a milestone is Jim Butterfield’s book Machine Language for the Commodore 64 and Other Computers, another fundamental book is Mapping The Commodore 64 by Sheldon Leemon, than Richard Bayliss’s tutorial assemble-it, and finally the site
Concerning the enviroment programming, I suggest writing the program on a text editor, then compile the source with a cross-compiler and finally run the program on a c64 emulator.
There are so many choices, personally I use as editor Notepad ++, as compiler ACME and as emulator VICE. For those who want to program in C with the c64, I suggest cc65.
The programs that you will find below, have nothing pretentious, I can say that in writing them I learned a lot of things about c64 and beyond.
I don’t have much time to devote to my passion because in real life I deal with anything, I don’t consider myself a programmer but I can say that I enjoy programming a lot so I decided to create this website to share this passion with others.

Summary of games:

From here you can play directly in a C64 javascript emulator

Othello Revenge

(released on 29/6/2020)

Here we are with a new fine production/cooperation between me and Richard Bayliss (TND New dimension). The prologue: some time ago I received as gift an Atari 2600, after trying some games, I discovered Othello, a logic board game. I played some games and I found Othello a game addictive and enough fun, so I decided to create a version for our beloved commodore 64. After a search on CSDB and, I have found only few releases mainly written in basic with poor graphics. Before to become crazy in the effort to write an algoritm that make the game addictive, I search on internet if there was a C source available. In a few minutes I have found it and and after some little modifications I was be able to compile the source with cc65. At this point the main obstacle was passed and remains “only” to add a decent graphic with a nice music. After some days of work I sand a draft of the game to Richard that made the front-end and the music. Bellow the link for download the game. The game is also available for download at CSDB and TND New dimension website.

Apart Richard I must credits my girfriend Catia that has contibuited to the graphic design and drow the sketch of othello picture loader. The sketch was than sent to a friend of Catia, Patrizia Castellani that drow the loader image


(6th SEPTEMBER 2019)

This is perhaps the game that gave me the most satisfaction in making it.
Also in this case I wrote the program using the cc65 suite. I took the game code from the following site.
The algorithm for calculating the moves allowed to calculate the basic moves, after some modifications, I was able to make the computer more difficult to beat.
The graphic is thanks to my friend Richard Bayliss who also helped me to adjust some assembler routine that manage the graphics.
As usual, I put in my games Richard Byaliss’s music, chosen from the many available on the HVSC website. This time I have to say that the SID tune is really beautiful and goes very well with the game. Thanks Richard! 🙂
The game has been released not only on my site, but also on the TND New Dimension website and can also be downloaded from the CSBD database.
Have fun!

MineSweeper 2019

(14th AUGUST 2019)

Here I am with another logic game.
In this case it is a well-known game that has known its success thanks to the fact that it has been included in every single copy of windows since 1992.
As you may have guessed, it is Minesweeper.
The game was invented by Robert Donner and Curt Johnson in 1989.
In reality the first version of game with “hidden mines” dates back to 1973 with the name Cube and then in 1983 with the name Mines-out.
The aim of the game is to clean up a minefield without exploding mines.
Several versions were also written for the c64 platform.
What I propose, however, has some prerogatives not present in other versions.
The original source code was written for Windows by Servadei Giacomo and published in the following link.
I have simply adapted the code to be compiled with the suit cc65.
Once I verified that the game worked correctly I improved the graphics, implemented the use of joyoistick and inserted an audio track written by my friend Richard Bayliss.
It is also possible to download the game from its TND New Dimension website in the section dedicated to contributors.
Unlike other versions of minesweeper relesed for c64, this allows the creation of random minefields, a seemingly trivial feature that creates some problems in the programming phase as it requires an algorithm capable of freeing all the boxes in which there are no mine or numbers automatically.
About this problem, if you choose to create a custom large field mine for example 24×18, I suggest you enter a relatively high number of mines for example 60 or above becouse a too low number would generate an array of integers too large for the memory of the c64 and the program would crash.
However, this problem is not present if the beginner or expert mode is chosen.
Another feature of the game that is also reported in the instructions is that the same minefield is entered each time the same player’s name is entered, so you can try to solve a previously lost game.
I hope you enjoy it! 🙂

Hanoy Tower

(12th JULY 2019)

I’ve always liked logic games, even if I’m not so good to solving them 🙂
Who doesn’t know the game of the Towers of Hanoi? It is a game that dates back to 1883 invented by a French mathematician named Édouard Lucas.
On the net you will find innumerable resources that explain the rules and various related legends such as the one in which it is said that in a Hindu temple some monks are constantly engaged in moving 64 gold discs on three diamond columns and when they complete the work, the world will end.
However, the explanations are also shown as scrolling text at the bottom of the screen.
The minimum number of moves needed to complete the game is given by the formula , where n is the number of disks.
The solution to the game can be obtained by using a well-known recursive algorithm that I invite everyone to study.
The novelty of my version is that apart from the graphics and sound made by my friend Richard Bayliss, I added the possibility to solve the game using the aforementioned algorithm.
I also provided the source code for those interested in modifying the game or simply taking some examples to program with the cc65 suite.
Have fun!

C64Weather Station

Thanks to the I2C protocol, many modern devices, like RTC, temperature sensors, FM receiver, microcontroller, etc, can be connected via the user port to the commodore 64.
On the disk you will find various programs:

  • RTCTool which serves to set the date and time in a DS3231 or DS1307 module.
  • C64WeatherStation that reads temperature, pressure and humidity from a BME280 module.
  • WriteEprom which writes on the memory 24C32 present in the RTC module the game Pong which occupies the entire space of 4k bytes.
  • ReadEprom which instead reads from the eprom memory and then executes the game.

Note: in order to use the eprom in the DS3231 module, it is necessary to ground the three address pins A0,A1,A2, using the appropriate pads present in the PCB

Crazy Letters

This is my first game write in assembler. The idea started after having seen another game that evaluate the speed of response to a visual signal. Although the graphics is really horrendous the game in my opinion is fun and tests own typist skills, try it and have fun!

The aim of this game is to press a letter on your keyboard, indicated on the screen. Avoid the letter from reaching the far right, otherwise the game is up. After each level gets completed, the game will get pretty much faster. Therefore having you to react even faster. Can you take the pressure of getting to a really high level, or will this game bee too tough for you?

Pong 1.0

Play against a friend or against the computer. Deflect the incoming ball with your bat, and let it bounce into your opponent’s goal. If it does, you will score a point. It is possible to play with the joystick or paddles. As in other pong the ball’s angle of rebound changes depending on where it is strike the bat, in addition the speed of the ball gradually increases until one of two players miss it.


  • F1 = Bat lenght
  • F3 = Joystick or Paddle
  • F5 = 1 or 2 players
  • 1-5 = starting speed
  • SPACE = start game

Lunar Lander

This game is a C64 conversion of the original program from the first book of KIM-1. The idea of this game is to simply use the keys 0-9 to control the velocity of the lander. In order to win this game, you must land safely on to the moon. Fail to successfully land on to the moon, the game is over. Can you complete your landing and survive or will you crash and burn?

Suggestions for the game: in order not to crash on the lunar ground it is necessary to have a speed between 0 and 4. Furthermore the fuel is limited, it is necessary not to consume all the fuel before the landing, otherwise the lander is flown in free fall.


  • ALT = Altitude
  • VEL = speed
  • GAS = fuel
  • POW = engine power
  • T = elapsed time

Bagels 1.0

Based on one of Jim Butterfield’s ML games for the KIM-1. The computer randomly chooses 4 letters, between A – F. You must type in the four letters in order to guess the hidden code. The computer will show a number in two columns on the right hand side. The right letter, but in the wrong place, or a number of letters that are in the correct place. These are marked as EXA and MUTE. After your complete the first code. You can work on the next one.


The screen will show a combination of 11 letters such as ‘C H D G B A J E I F K’. Move the cursor left/right using a joystick in port 2. You must try and get all of the letters into alphabetical order in less than 11 moves. Relax and take your time. Try to make the least number of moves to complete this game.


This is a puzzle game, in which you move counters A, B, C around the grid, in order to prevent counter D from getting to the most bottom point. Full instructions are revealed on the scroll text.

SID Scope

This is a small demo, use the spacebar to cycle through the different tunes. Some tunes are pretty much familiar to some of you. Enjoy the music.

24bit Frequency Counter

A small tech utility which uses the CIA2 TIMER A and B.
This utility allows you to transform the commodore 64 into a frequency meter, the only limitation is that it measures frequencies up to 1 MHz. In practice it starts to be inaccurate if you approach 1 MHz.
Read on screen instructions on how to use this utility.


Time for a little something different or quite useful. This utility allows you to load in or create new sequential files and edit those. There are a series of various options, to choose from, such as font type, etc. Also included in the digital disk are a few example files.


How would you like to wake up in the morning to you C64, and a bit of oldschool music like you would have back in the very late 1980’s early 1990’s. Megaclock 64 does exactly that. Set the hours, minutes and seconds for the actual time, and also for when to set the alarm off, the press the SPACE BAR to activate the clock.

Game of Life 2017

Game of life is a game invented by an English mathematician named John Horton Conway in 1970.
On the internet you will find many resources in this regard. I will just give a brief explanation of what the game consists of.
The Game of Life is not a game in the conventional sense. There are no players, and no winning or losing. Once the pieces are placed in the starting position, the rules determine everything that happens later.
The four rules of the game are:

  1. Any live cell with fewer than two live dies (referred to as underpopulation or exposure).
  2. Any live cell with more than three live dies (referred to as overpopulation or overcrowding).
  3. Any live cell with two or three live neighbors lives, unchanged, to the next generation.
  4. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbors will come to life.

The program allows you to change and save the game status at any time.
On the disk there are some demonstration patern.
There is also a counter showing “how old” is the poulation life.

Thinker 2018

This is a puzzle game in which you have to deal with number keys between 1 to 6. On the screen there are 9 white letters that you have to change to purple. When you press a key, three letters on the table invert your background colors, letter white change to purple and letters purple became white. You have to find the correct sequence of keys (1-6) in order to make all boxes purple and win the game. Try to win with less of 15 moves and have fun!

Play games in Javascript C64 Emulator

To simulate the joystick use the ARROW keys and the CONTROL key on the right


Thanks to Thomas Hochgoetz who make available this c64 javascript emulator

The aforementioned programs that I have made available for download, can also be downloaded from the TND New Dimension site by Richard Bayliss, from the contributions section. Many of the music I included in the games was produced by Richard, whom I obviously thank!


March 20th, 2020
Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde (16 October 1854 – 30 November 1900) was an Irish poet and playwright

I’m always amazed at myself. And the only onesomething that makes life worth living.

There are moments when one is in the need to choose between living one’s full, whole, complete life, or dragging a false, shameful, degrading existence as the world, in its great hypocrisy, asks it.

Life is too short to waste it realizing the dreams of others.

Loving yourself is the beginning of an idyll that lasts a lifetime.

The waste of life lies in the love that has not been able to give, in the power that it has not been able to use, in the egoistic prudence that has prevented us from risking and that, avoiding a regret, has made us lack happiness.

The bond of every relationship, both in marriage and in friendship, lies in the conversation.

Anyone can sympathize with the pain of a friend, but only a noble soul can sympathize with a friend’s success.

Friendship is more tragic than love because it lasts longer.

Beauty cannot be questioned: it reigns by divine right.

Beauty is the only thing against which the force of time is vain. What is beautiful is a joy for all seasons, and is a possession for all eternity.”

The Beauty is a form of the Genius, indeed, it is higher than the Genius because it does not need explanations. It is one of the great facts of the world, like the sunlight, the spring, the reflection in the dark water of that shell of silver we call moon.

It seems to me that we all look too much at Nature and live too little with it.

He who turns to look at his past does not deserve to have a future ahead of him.

The only charm of the past is the fact that it has passed.

Experience is the most difficult kind of teacher. First you take the exam, then explain the lesson to you.

Experience is the name that everyone gives to their mistakes.

Nothing worth knowing can be taught.

I don’t want to erase my past, because for better or for worse it made me what I am today. In fact I thank those who made me discover love and pain, those who loved me and used me, who told me I want you good believing and those who did it only because of his comfortable filth. I thank myself for having always found the strength to get up and go on, always. ”

One can have only one great experience in life, at best, the secret of life is to reproduce that experience as often as possible.

I’m not at all cynical, I only have some experience, which is almost the same.”

Art is the only serious thing in the world. And the artist is the only person who is never serious.

What the art tries to destroy is the monotony of the type, the slavery of fashion, the tyranny of habits, and the lowering of man to the level of the machine.

To be happy you should live. But living is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist and nothing more.

In this world there are only two tragedies: one is not getting what one wants, the other is getting it. This second and the worst, the real tragedy.

Happiness is not what you want, but you want what you have.

Nothing is more necessary than the superfluous.

A cigarette and the perfect prototype of a perfect pleasure. It is exquisite and leaves unsatisfied. What more could you want?

I can resist anything but temptations.

The only way to get rid of temptation and surrender.

To test the reality we have to see it on the circus rope. When the truths become acrobats, then we can judge them.

The truth is rarely pure, and never simple.

The true things of life are not studied, they are learned, but they meet.

Little sincerity and danger and much and absolutely fatal.


March 20th, 2020
Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850). Daguerréotype de Louis-Auguste Bisson (1814-1876). Paris, Maison de Balzac.

Pleasure is like certain medicinal drugs: to always achieve the same result you need to double the dose.

Aunts, mothers and sisters have a particular jurisprudence for their grandchildren, their children and their brothers.

Stupids talk about the past, the wise of the present, the fools of the future.

Every woman has her fortune between her legs.

A woman knows the face of the man she loves like a sailor knows the open sea.

Women are accustomed for I do not know what tendency of the soul not to see in a man of genius that the defects is in a fool that the qualities.

Joy can only break out between people who feel equal.

The only victory against love and escape.

The misunderstood fall into two categories: women and writers.

Marriage is a fight to the bitter end before which the spouses ask for his blessing to heaven, because to love each other is always the most daring of the enterprises.

The best way to keep your word is not to give it.

You never go up so high except when you don’t know where you go.

A people leads by indicating a future to them: a leader and a seller of hope.

The avarice begins where poverty ends.

It is banging one’s head against each other that one learns to know.

The purpose of civilized or wild life is rest.


March 20th, 2020
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill (30 November 1874 – 24 January 1965) was a British politician, army officer, and writer

The optimist sees opportunities in every danger, the pessimist sees danger in every opportunity. A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

The politician must be able to predict what will happen tomorrow, next month and next year, and, later, have the ability to explain why it did not happen, next week, next month, and next year. To explain why it didn’t happen.

Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.

My tastes are simple: I am easily satisfied with the best!

Italians lose wars as they were football matches, and football matches as if they were wars.

The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.

He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire.

We are masters of unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out.

It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government, with the exception of all those other forms that have been tried so far from time to time.

When I am abroad, I always make it a rule never to criticize or attack the government of my own country. I make up for lost time when I come home.

The inherent vice of capitalism is the equal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.

A good speech should be like a woman’s skirt; long enough to cover the subject and short enough to create interest.

In War: Resolution, In Defeat: Defiance, In Victory: Magnaminity, In Peace: Good Will.

The truth is so precious that it must always be protected by a bodyguard made of lies – A small lie needs a bodyguard of bigger lies to protect it.

I resigned, but I refused.

Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they can’t wait to make the journey.

A special moment arrives in the everyone’s life, a moment for which that person was born. That special opportunity, when he grasps it, will satisfy his mission – a mission for which he is uniquely qualified. At that moment, he finds greatness. It’s his most beautiful hour.

Do you have any enemies? Well. This means that you have struggled for something in your life.

If you’re going through hell, go ahead and don’t stop.

If we open a dispute between the present and the past, we risk losing the future.

The only statistics we can trust are the ones we falsified.

I have always thought that a politician should be judged by the animosity he provokes among his opponents.

The great and the good are rarely the same man.

Happiness is not so much in having as in sharing. We live with what we take, but we make ourselves a life with what we give.

In principle, the short words are the best, and the old words are better than all.

In war you must not be sympathetic: you just have to be right.

I pass with great relief from the rough sea of ​​the Cause and the Theory to the mainland of the Result and the Facts.

Politics is almost as exciting as war and almost as dangerous. In war you can be killed only once, in politics many times.

Over the course of my life I have had to take my words back many times and have found that it is a very healthy diet.

War is an invention of the human mind, and the human mind can also invent peace.

Those who can win a war well can rarely make a good peace and those who could make a good peace would never have won the war.

Democracy works when two decide. And one is sick.

There’s only one thing worse than fighting with allies, and it’s fighting without them.

The greatest lesson of life is to know that even fools, at times, are right.

It is a pity not to do anything on the pretext that we cannot do everything.

The most important thing he had learned over the years was that there is no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good mother.

The politician becomes a statesman when he starts thinking about the next generations instead of the next elections.

The kites fly higher against the wind, not with the wind in favor.

The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible and reaches the impossible.

Lady Nancy Astor: “Winston, if I were my husband, I would put the poison in the coffee.” Winston Churchill: “Nancy, if you were my wife, I’d drink it”.

Communism is like a crocodile: when it opens its mouth you never know if it is trying to smile or is preparing to swallow you.

When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to chatter.

He can best be described as one of those speakers who, before getting up, do not know what they are going to say; when they talk, they don’t know what they say; and when they sat down, they didn’t know what they said.

There is a terrible number of lies that go around the world and the worst and half of them are true.

Don’t interrupt me while I’m interrupting.

When I am overwhelmed by worries, I think of a man who, on his deathbed, said his whole life had been full of worries, most of them for things that never happened.

My wife and I tried to have breakfast together, but we had to stop or our marriage would fall apart.

The problem of our times is that men do not want to be useful but important.

The imagination comforts us of what we cannot be. The sense of humor of what we are.

It is a socialist idea that making profits is a vice; I consider it a real vice to have losses.

I would like to live forever, at least to see how in a hundred years people make the same mistakes as me.

The story will be kind to me as I intend to write it.

Who speaks badly of me behind my back is contemplated by my ass.

If the present tries to judge the past, it will lose the future.

As good as the strategy is, you should look at the results every once in a while.

One should never turn his back on threatened danger and try to escape from it. If you do, double the danger. But if you face it promptly and without blinking, you will reduce the risk of the goal.

Perhaps it is better to be irresponsible and to be right, than to be responsible and to be wrong.

If we issue tens of thousands of regulations, we destroy all respect for the law.

The plan is nothing, planning is everything.

First we are the ones who give shape to buildings, then it is these that shape us.

It is a good thing for the uneducated person to read quotation books. Quotations when carved into memory bring you good thoughts. And they also make you anxious by lawre authors to look for others.

Let England be what it wants, With all its faults, it is always my country.

You can always count on Americans doing the right thing – after they’ve tried everything else.

Too often the strong man is silent and silent only because he does not know what to say, and is considered strong only because he has remained silent.

– Mr Churchill, what do you attribute success to life? – Energy conservation. Do not stand up when you can sit. And never sit down when you can lie down.

Writing a book is an adventure: at the beginning it is fun, then it becomes a lover, then a master, and finally a tyrant. The last phase is one in which, just as you are about to get used to your servant, you kill the monster and throw it to the public.

The era of postponements, half measures, deceptively comforting expedients, delays is to be considered closed. Now begins the period of actions that produce consequences.

If you want me to talk for an hour, you have to give me a couple of days to prepare it, for a half hour, I need a week, for one of five minutes, I need a month.

The socialists are like Christopher Columbus. They leave without knowing where they are going. When they arrive, they don’t know where they are. All this with other people’s money.

Weird Italian people. One day 45 million fascists. The next day 45 million anti-fascists and partisans. Yet these 90 million Italians do not appear in the censuses.

I can’t make predictions about Russia’s actions. Russia is a puzzle wrapped in a mystery that lies within an enigma.

Improving means changing, being perfect means changing often.

Never argue with the monkey, when the accordion player is in the room.

Being honest is a good thing, but it’s also important to be right.

Human beings can be divided into three categories: the tired to die, the bored to die and the worried to die.

Some people see a private company as a ferocious tiger to kill immediately, others like a cash cow, very few see it as it really is: a sturdy horse that pulls a very heavy cart.

Make progress every day. Each step can be fruitful. However, we are facing a path that is always in development, always on the rise, always improving. You know you will never arrive at the end of the journey. But this, far from discouraging you, will only add joy and glory to the climb.

A joke is a very serious thing.

A continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key that unleashes our potential.

Building can be a slow and laborious task of years. Destroying can be the reckless act of a single day.

If you need to make an important point, don’t try to be subtle or cunning. Use a mallet. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit again. Then hit it a third time with a tremendous blow.

Now this is not the end. It’s not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.

The price of the size is the responsibility.

The only way a man can remain consistent between changing circumstances is to change with them while preserving the same dominant purpose.

Sometimes doing your best is not enough; we must do what is necessary.

Life is not always as one would like it to be, but living it to the fullest, as it is, and the only way to be happy.

Changing does not always mean improving, but to improve we must change.

Courage is what it takes to get up and talk; courage and also what it takes to sit and listen.

I say that when a nation tries to tax itself to achieve prosperity, it is as if a man stood in a bucket and tried to lift himself by the handle.

There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction.

Nothing is more exciting in life than being shot and not being hit.

All men are wrong, but only the great ones learn from their mistakes.

Fanatic is one who cannot change his mind and does not intend to change the subject.

If you can’t read all your books, in any case handle them, or, so to speak, pet them – peek inside them, drop them open where they want, read the first sentence on which the eye stops, put them back on their shelves with your own hands, arrange them again at your leisure so that, if you don’t know what they contain, you will know at least where they are. Let them become your friends; in any case let them become your acquaintances.

From Szczecin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain fell on the continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Just have a good aim.

Don’t discuss the difficulties. The difficulties will make it sothe.

Never give up life. There is a way out of everything, except from death.

They could choose between dishonor and war. They have chosen dishonor and will have war.

I like pigs. Dogs look at us from below. Cats look at us from above. The pigs treat us equally.

Golf is a game whose objective is to throw a tiny ball into a hole even more tiny, with singularly poorly designed tools for that purpose.

Although I am personally happy that they invented explosives, I believe we must not improve them.

A fool and his money separate soon.

Nothing is more expensive, nothing is more sterile than a vendetta.

I am reminded of a professor who, during the hours of decline, was asked by his devoted students for a final council. He replied, “Check your citations”

I am sure that on this day – now – we are masters of our destiny; that the task that has been placed before us is not greater than our strength; that his spasms and his labor are not superior to our resistance. As long as we have faith in our cause it is an undeniable willpower, salvation will not be denied.

Agatha Christie is the woman who, after Lucrezia Borgia, lived longer in contact with crime.

The dictators ride back and forth on tigers from which they dare not disassemble. And the tigers are starting to get hungry.

A pacifist is one who feeds the crocodile – hoping he eats it last.

You make a living from what you get. You make a life with what you give. Sometimes it’s not enough to do your best. Sometimes it is necessary to complete the work.

My most brilliant feat was my ability to persuade my wife to marry me.

Where does the family start? Start with a young man who falls in love with a girl – a superior alternative has not yet been found.

If two people always have the same opinion, and one of them is superfluous.

There are many things in life that catch the eye, but only a few capture your heart: follow those.

The more the war attracts and fascinates my mind with its tremendous situations, the more I feel every year in depth what vile and perverse madness and barbarity is all this.

We are all worms. But I believe I’m a firefly.

A man is not worth the money he has, but the credit he enjoys.

I got more out of alcohol than alcohol got from me.

The head cannot absorb more than the bottom cannot stand.

Democracy is the need to bow to the opinions of others from time to time.

There are three great things in the world: the oceans, the mountains and a busy person.

In my opinion it is not necessary to tighten the sentences for bigamy. A bigamist has two mother-in-law: as punishment it seems to me that it is enough.

Everyone has his day and some days last longer than others.

I’m ready to meet my creator. If my creator is prepared for the difficult trial of meeting me, it’s another matter.

I’m bored with everything – I’m bored with it all. (Last words of Winston Churchill before he died)


March 18th, 2020
Albert Einstein; (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) was a German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity

Only two things are endless: the universe and human stupidity, about the universe I still have doubts …

Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere …

Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb trees he will spend his whole life believing himself stupid …

Everyone knows that something is impossible to achieve, until a fool arrives who does not know and invents it …

Who says it’s impossible, shouldn’t disturb those who are doing it …

Life is not worth living, unless it is lived for someone else ...

There is a stronger driving force than steam, electricity and atomic energy: the will …

The mind is like a parachute. It only works if it opens …

The man discovered the atomic bomb, but no mouse in the world would build a mouse trap …

Everything is relative. Take a centenarian who breaks a mirror: he will be happy to know that he still has seven years of misfortune …