In this post I would share my config.txt file that allow a raspberry Pi 0 W v1.1 (old model) to work properly with th 1541pi emulator by Steve White
On the web there are many resource and video that explain how to configure many raspberry pi models to use as 1541 drive, but here I would show the proper setting to use raspberry Pi 0 W v1.1. This is an old model that is still available on many webstore. Due the raising ICs price, now a raspberry pi zero w 2 cost over 100β¬! The price of raspberri zero w v1 instead is about 40 β¬ less. Obiouvsly the new version is more powerfull, it have a ARM quad core Soc at 2.4 GHz vs single core at 1 GHz of the old model.
But if your scope is to use raspberry as 1541pi, the old rpi zero w 1 is OK.
Other than the raspberry pi you have to buy or build yourself a 1541pi hat that hallow to connect the raspberry pi to the commodore64 (or other models), show the directories, moving and mounting d64 images.
I found a very well made PCB from the This PCB mount a an additional 7406 inverter IC that is used for driving the output signals from the Raspberry Pi to the serial bus. Using this solution, multiple devices on the bus should no longer be a problem.
After you have properly setting the SD card and edited the options.txt file in accorthing to the step-by-step guide on 1541pi website, you have to overclock the rpi. This is necessary to guarantee cicle exact emulation of the original 1541 drive.
All you have to do is edit the config.txt file as shown:
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I have make also a short video that that show the 1541pi in action. In the end of the video I show how to mount multiple disk images, so take a look!